
The San Juan/Laventille Regional Corporation was established by the Municipal Corporations Act (Act No. 21 of 1990) which created eighteen municipal corporations within Trinidad, whereby San Juan and Laventille stood as separate municipalities.

Later in 1992, San Juan and Laventille was merged and officially became as what we know it as today, with its boundaries expanding to Maracas at the western end of the North Coast, and La Filette on the North East. Its southern boundaries include Sea Lots and Beetham Gardens on the south west, the Caroni River on the south, and the Solomon Hochoy Highway, bounding Mount Hope on the South East.

This new Corporation was established from a subdivision of the resources of its predecessor, the St. George County Council established in 1967, and later the St. George West County Council, established in 1980.

At the point of its establishment, the offices of the Corporation were located at the PTSC Building in Laventille, located between the Beetham Highway and the Priority Bus Route.

Its staff and other resources were formed from a subdivision of resources from the old St. George West County Council, and it retained the official green colour from the old County.

One can identify this colour in most of the Corporations across North Trinidad, which is effectively a nod to their origin in the St. George County Council.  Around 1997, the Corporation moved its main office from the PTSC Building to the MTS Plaza on the Aranguez Main Road, San Juan.

Circa 1997 the Corporation moved from its offices at the PTSC Building to the MTS Plaza on the Aranguez Main Road, San Juan. At the point of the publication of this history, several original staff members continue to perform various roles in the Corporation.


A dynamic and vibrant healthy community valuing diversity, opportunity and partnerships, which foster a sustainable environment where individuals and families choose to live, work and play.


Our mission is to effectively and reliably ensure infrastructural, social, environmental and communal services focused on continuous improvement of the quality of life of our burgesses and staff through a process of community empowerment and innovative approaches to future development.

What Governs Us

The Municipal Corporations Act (act 21 of 1990, amended 1991, 1992, 1995, 1998, 2003, and 2008) made provision for the establishment of “other Municipal Corporations” (which included the San Juan Laventille Regional Corporation) and for the consolidation and reform of laws affecting Local Government.

The Act, which is the primary piece of legislation governing local governmental bodies, gives details of the purpose, function, structure, constitution, and operations of these entities.

The Act makes provision for a governance structure, namely a council made up of members of the community and an administrative/operational arm; and instructs on the “powers, authorities, rights, interests and privileges” vested in the Corporation. The Act authorizes Corporations to carry out specific functions within a municipality viz.

  • Issuance of license to peddlers, hawkers and hucksters.
  • Management of markets and slaughterhouses (including food safety matters)
  • Inspection of buildings for public use.
  • Assessment and collection of rents for homes and businesses.
  • The construction and maintenance of local roads (subject to the provisions of the Highways Act and to section 110 of the Motor Vehicle and Road Traffic Act)
  • The Municipal Police Service.

Other functions of Corporations defined by the Act include:

  • The distribution of truck-borne water, subject to the provisions of the Water and Sewerage Act.
  • The provision, maintenance and control of all Corporation buildings.
  • The maintenance and control of homes for the aged established by the Corporation.
  • Subject to any other written law, the maintenance and control of child-care centers established by the Corporation.
  • The construction and maintenance of all drains and minor water-courses with the exception of main drains and water-courses, and drains along main roads and highways.
  • The development, maintenance and control of such parks, recreation grounds, beaches and other public spaces as the President may from time to time by Order prescribe.
  • The promotion of development within the Municipality in accordance with plans approved by the Ministry with responsibility for physical planning.
  • The maintenance of State property including- such police stations, health centers, post offices and other government buildings as the Minister to whom responsibility for construction and maintenance of buildings is assigned may by Order determine.
  • The collection and disposal of garbage from public and private property, chemical treatment for insect and vector control, abatement of public nuisances and dissemination of information for primary health care.
  • The coordination of local and regional trade fairs, athletic events and cultural displays and entertainment.
  • The collection and distribution of forms issued by Departments of Government.
  • The maintenance and control of burial grounds and crematoria, subject to the provisions of the Public Burial Grounds Act and the Cremation Act.

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